Your DPA XL tool is designed to Protect Your Uptime. We’re working hard to make sure our tools stay up to date and are enhanced with each update to ensure our customers can perform diagnostics and maintenance to their trucks at all times. Updating your DPA XL can improve your user experience, and is safe and secure due to our CyberGuard protection. We strongly recommend you keep your DG Technologies software and tools up to date. By bookmarking the ‘downloads’ page, you can always have the newest features and enhancements available to you at the click of a button. We have put together a video giving users a first hand look of how to install DG Technologies updates with our Driver and Software Updater and our DPA XL Firmware Updater. With our CyberTech brand and built-in Cyberguard protection, you can be sure our updates will cause no problems and are safe and secure from any malicious files getting to your computer or corrupting your DPA XL. Here is a link to our tutorial, enjoy: