J2534 FAQs
Reprogramming Automobiles
Check out DG Technologies J2534 Standard Automotive Reprogramming Tools Here:
J2534 Reprogramming FAQs
What is vehicle reprogramming?
Reprogramming is the process of replacing the existing software in a vehicle controller with new software by electronically transferring approved calibration files from a vehicle manufacturer’s website. (Also known as reflashing, flashing, programming or reconfiguring.)
Why is reprogramming so important?
1. Automobile manufacturers are constantly making changes to their controller software – making cars more efficient, fixing problems that have been discovered, fine tuning components and systems, updating cut points as cars age, solving problems such as rough idle and hard starting, repairing emissions related problems and many others.
2. New controllers replaced in a vehicle require programming to match the exact specifications and option list on the car being repaired.
3. Many of the Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) issued by automobile manufacturers require reprogramming with the latest software updates to repair problems that are occurring with vehicles on the road even after their warranties have expired.
Isn’t reprogramming just for cars that are still under warranty so only dealers will need this capability?
Maybe you thought only cars still under warranty are being reprogrammed and it’s just not worth your while. Over 100 million cars on the road today support J2534 reprogramming. Studies indicate that 7 out of 10 vehicles on the road require a calibration update.
Auto Manufacturers are constantly updating controller software to solve problems such as false DTCs, hesitation, rough idle, emissions problems, hard starting, poor fuel economy and others. These problems plague many cars that are no longer under warranty. Your competitors are making money repairing these cars by J2534 reprogramming. You should be too!!
What is J2534?
SAE J2534 is a standard for communications between a computer and a vehicle. Government regulations require all automakers provide a J2534 service to EVERYONE in the U.S. for reprogramming (also called reflashing) emissions related controllers. If you own a J2534 Pass Thru device, you can reflash and, in some cases, diagnose vehicles with factory functionality.
DG Technologies’ new VSI NxGen is a J2534 Pass-thru devices.
What do I need to reprogram a vehicle controller?
1. J2534 Pass thru Device (VSI NxGen)
2. PC with Access to the Internet
3. OEM Data Subscription(s)
What is a J2534 Pass Thru device?
A J2534 Pass-thru Device, such as the VSI NxGen, is an interface that acts as a gateway between a vehicles controller and the technician’s PC. Its purpose is to translate the messages back and forth between the PC and controller into a protocol that is understood by the vehicle.
Why do I need a J2534 reprogrammer?
Computers and software in cars have been expanding at an exponential rate. There are now over 100 Million reprogrammable controllers on the road today. Updating vehicle controller software is becoming one of the leading solutions for vehicle repairs. Reprogramming may be the only way to fix some of these issues:
- Driveability
- Fuel efficiency
- Power loss
- Fault codes
- Durability of mechanical parts
How would I use a J2434 reprogrammer in my shop?
J2534 reprogramming is becoming an essential shop tool. Studies indicate that 7 out of 10 vehicles on the road require a calibration update. With a J2534 reprogrammer in your shop you can:
- Fix cars with the problems listed above
- Grow profits by offering services previously sent to the dealership
- Offer the services needed to retain customers
What vehicles can be reprogrammed?
As of 2004, all new vehicles must support the SAE J2534 (reprogramming) specification as mandated by the EPA.
The EPA mandate also requires OEMs to support aftermarket repair shops with J2534 flash programming for any emissions related controllers on a vehicle that can be reprogrammed by a new car dealership.
Although this took effect for 2004 vehicles, many OEMS offer support for older vehicles and other types of controllers. Be sure to check out the vehicle manufacturers websites to find out which vehicles they support reprogramming for.
What controllers can be reprogrammed?
What controllers can be programmed is determined by the vehicle manufacturer. Not all manufacturers provide access to all controllers.
What is the Return on Investment (ROI) of this reprogramming package?
A VSI NxGen package will give your shop a greater earning potential by providing job profitability, more “in-shop” services and quality control.
How this can produce fast results in payback & profit for you:
- Keep more jobs and profit in house
- Gain control over the quality of repair = increase customer satisfaction
- Reduce vehicle repair times = frees up time for more repairs
- Increase shop capabilities = more business
What is it costing you not to have reprogramming capability?
You should consider the following when making your purchasing decision.
What is it costing you to work on a driveability issue for a long time only to find out it is a reflash issue and you have to send it out?
What is it costing you in lost business that is already coming to your shop that you may not have known even existed?
What is it costing you in lost business, when you have to send your customers somewhere else and many may never return?
How do you plan on fixing issues such as a False DTC when the only fix is to reprogram the vehicle?
The OEM data subscription is obtained directly from the OEM’s website. Originally most came on a CD, but now they are all web based. Subscription fees vary by OEM and have several payment options: per-vehicle, 24 hours, 72 hours, weekly, monthly, or annually.
How much do data subscriptions cost?
Click here for DG Technologies’ OEM reprogramming website page where you can find out more info on reprogramming data subscription costs for the OEM(s) you are interested in.
Can you change values when reprogramming?
You can change some values like tire size and pinion factor depending on the vehicle and whether the vehicle supports this capability. As far as changing horse power or torque or anything of this nature this is not possible.
Is this a performance tool?
The VSI NxGen from DG Technologies are not performance tools. They are used to re-flash the vehicles computer when there are updates available from the vehicle manufacturers.
These updates are known a TSB’s or technical service bulletins. If the vehicle manufacturers find a way to better the performance of a vehicle they will release these TSB’s and you will have to re-flash the vehicle computer to update it.
The only way that the performance of the vehicle will be changed is if this is included in the TSB’s that are released from the vehicle manufacturers. Depending on what’s in the TSB than the shift points or something could change.
OEM Specific FAQs
Vehicles Supported:
Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Saturn vehiclesControllers Supported:
1993 and newer Powertrain/Body/Chassis flash reprogrammable controllers
(Saturn starts 1996)Click here to go to GM’s NASTF website link
Click here to go to GM’s Service Information website link
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Vehicles Supported:
Ford, Lincoln, Mercury vehiclesControllers Supported:
1996 and newer Powertrain/Body/Chassis flash reprogrammable controllersEmissions and non-emissions related Ford controllers may be re-flashed. This includes GEM, PATS keys, tire size, ABS, and any other module that is not on UBP or Medium Speed CAN.
Click here to go to Ford’s NASTF website link
Click here to go to Ford’s Service Information website link
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Vehicles Supported:
Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, and Jeep vehiclesControllers Supported:
1996 and newer Powertrain flash reprogrammable controllersFor reprogramming (Stellantis) with a J2534 device:
* Some 1995 model year vehicles equipped with OBD II
* 1996 and subsequent model year vehicles
* Emission related functions for engine and transmission control modules. ”
Source: NASTFStellantis maintains free technical service bulletins regarding flash updates on their website.
Click here to go to Stellantis NASTF website link
Click here to go to Chrysler’s Service Information website link
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Vehicles Supported:
Toyota, Lexus and Scion vehiclesControllers Supported:
2001 and newer Powertrain flash reprogrammable controllers“Beginning with some 2001 models and expanding to all models by 2007, Toyota/ Scion/ Lexus vehicles have flash reprogrammable powertrain ECMs. Reprogramming is only performed if a Technical Service Bulletin or Service Campaign provides direction to do so.”
Source: NASTFClick here to go to Toyota’s NASTF website link
Click here to go to Toyota’s Service Information website link
Click here to go to Toyota’s System Requirements website link
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Vehicles Supported:
Honda and Acura vehiclesControllers Supported:
The ECM/PCM is reprogrammable on all 2006 and later Honda and Acura vehicles. Reprogramming should only be performed according to Honda or Acura service bulletins.Click here to go to Honda’s NASTF website link
Click here to go to Honda’s Service Information website link
Click here to go to Honda’s System Requirements website link
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Source: www.j2534reprogrammer.com