DPA XL Version 3.07 is Now Available for Download! FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN (7/7/2023) – The DPA XL has received a new release from DG Technologies, #1 in Secure Diagnostics. Version 3.07 focuses on further enhancing our latest commercial medium and heavy-duty adapter with new software cybersecurity and firmware updates. The DPA XL is designed to Protect Your Uptime! Version 3.07 Update Includes: Remember to check TruckConnect to find more ways we are driving innovation to Protect Your Uptime! Find out how DPA Health can enhance fleet maintenance efficiency and DPA MD for Android can put the DPA XL power in the palm of your hand. Contact DG sales: John McNelis Technical Support: DG Technologies Follow DG! Twitter: www.twitter.com/dgtechnologies
(248) 888-2000
33604 W Eight Mile Rd.
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(248) 888-2000
33604 W Eight Mile Rd.
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
(248) 888-2000
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