DPA XL Version 3.09: Now Available from the DG Technologies Downloads Page
DG Technologies, #1 in Secure Diagnostics, has just released its DPA XL Version 3.09. We’ve updated speed, compatibility and cybersecurity unlike any other product on the market today.
Among the enhancements, improvements and other minor adjustments, Version 3.09 Features:
- New firmware, bootloader and other updates.
- Added a feature that allows for multiple connections to CAN/ISO15765/J1939 protocols
- A change in the CAN-related autobaud to 250k and 500k baud rate
- Firmware updated application enhancements for cybersecurity
- Other enhancements and minor fixes to help Protect Your Uptime
Find the new DPA XL Version 3.09 on the DG Technologies downloads page. And visit our TruckConnect Portal, through our website www.dgtech.com or directly at www.truck-connect.com, to learn how to Protect Your Uptime with DPA Health to enhance fleet maintenance efficiency and DPA MD for Android to put the power of DPA XL in the palm of your hand.
DG Technologies’ tools are designed to Protect Your Uptime. Find out more information and detailed literature and resources at https://www.dgtech.com/cyber-security/. For future updates and general company news, please follow our social media pages below.
Our customers rely on DG Technologies for the most secure solutions to their maintenance, fleet and engineering needs. All DG Technologies solutions have a focus on security, reliability, durability, and are packed with over 30 years of company experience and expertise. Save time and money in the office, shop, or your own garage with DG Technologies products and services.
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DPA XL: https://www.dgtech.com/dpaxl/
VSI NxGen: https://www.dgtech.com/vsi-nxgen/
Cybersecurity: https://www.dgtech.com/cyber-security/
Technical Support: https://www.dgtech.com/tech-support/
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For further information:
Dearborn Group Inc.
33604 West Eight Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
General Contact:
Mr. John McNelis
Sales and Marketing Manager
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