DG Technologies’ VSI NxGen the #1 Secure Reprogramming J2534 pass-thru device has been officially tested and validated by Toyota!
Toyota now lists the VSI NxGen on their Technical Information System list of approved J2534 devices, stating that Toyota strongly recommends only the tools on their list be used https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_pageLabel=ti_j2534_device&_nfpb=true
The VSI NxGen will replace our VSI-2534 as our most advanced tool for all vehicle reprogramming and diagnostics. You can find out more and purchase the VSI NxGen from, www.dgtech.com/shop www.dgtech.com/vsi-nxgen or by calling us directly at 1-248-888-2000.