DG Security IS CyberTech
DG Technologies believes cybersecurity is critical in today’s networked environment. DG Technologies products are an integral part of end to end cybersecurity. Our cybersecurity brand is CyberTech.
CyberTech components that establish vehicle diagnostic adapter (VDA) product security include:
- Secure Download Process
- Verified Security Certificate
- Software Secured from Modifications
- Hardware Validation by Firmware
- Vehicle Cybersecurity Training
Future Protection
- SSL Secure Sockets Layer
- Encryption (FIPS 140-2)
The CyberTech brand was established to bring awareness to the modern industry threat of cybersecurity. Whether you are a technician trying to identify a cybersecurity attack on your fleet or an automotive engineer designing the newest vehicle defenses to an ECU attack, the CyberTech brand is here to educate and further your understanding of this changing world.
DG Technologies is the leader in vehicle network systems with 30+ years of specializing in engineering of in-vehicle and controller area (CAN) networking. DG has a strong relationship with the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC), serving in creating many new industry standards and protocols, including cybersecurity in vehicle systems. DG is a provider of training seminars for cybersecurity, ethernet testing, FlexRay, as well as CAN and LIN networks, keeping the industry informed and on the leading edge of new vehicle network technologies.
Inspect the following areas of a commercial vehicle for any of the following:
- Tractor General
- Altered interior lighting
- Anything unusual in factory-built compartments
- Unexplained new or shiny bolts and/or screws
- Unusual scratches possibly made by screwdrivers, wrenches or similar clandestine entry tools
- Signs of tampering, such as broken parts or bent sheet metal
- Exterior
- Lights not working
- Compartments in frame rails (frame rails are normally open)
- Cold or nonfunctioning exhaust pipe during operation
- Battery box containing tampered-with batteries or disconnected battery wires
- Storage compartments that contain unusual items
- Magnetic GPS tracking devices attached on or under the tractor or trailer
- Fuel and Air Tanks
- Inconsistent/missing connections
- Engine Compartment
- Odd wires
- Cold spots on radiator
- Foreign object or false compartment in the air filter area
- Additional wires from battery compartment
- Unusually clean components and devices
- Under Vehicle
- Items taped or attached to frame
- Magnetic tracking device to track load
- Signs of recent installation of components (ask driver about repairs)
- Ensure that you are notified of any critical security issues or updates to your equipment and tools.
- Ensure that the latest firmware and software patches/upgrades are applied to vehicle systems.
- Develop a cybersecurity maintenance inspection to look for foreign devices mounted to accessible parts of the vehicle that can connect to the CAN bus.
- Separate networks for computers that have remote access to vehicle systems (vehicle diagnostics) from computers utilized for routine business functions (email, browsing the internet, working on office documents, etc.)
- Change the default passwords for all vehicle diagnostic computers and software from the vendor supplied defaults.
- J3061-1 Automotive Cybersecurity Integrity Levels
- Develops an objective cybersecurity classification scheme
- J3061-2 Security Testing Methods
- Provides a detailed breakdown of currently available software and hardware security testing methods
- J3061-3 Security Testing Tools
- An agnostic list of manufacturers of security related tools and their capabilities
- J3101 Requirements for Hardware Protected Security for Ground Vehicle Applications
- Defines a common set of requirements for security to be implemented in hardware for ground vehicles to facilitate security enhanced applications and hardware protection for ground vehicle applications
Click on the links below for more Information on Cybersecurity.
SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy
CSA Self Assessment – OCF Level 1 — Resilience and CIIP Portal
Cybersecurity Knowledge Hub – SAE
Diagnostic Link Connector Security (J3138 Ground Vehicle Standard) – SAE
The key principles of vehicle cyber security for connected and automated vehicles – GOV.UK
Sound-Off: How Can the SAE J3061 Standard Prevent Automotive Hacks? – Tech Briefs
J3061: Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems – SAE International
NIST MEP CYBERSECURITY Self-Assessment Handbook for Assessing NIST SP 800-171 Security Requirements in Response to DFARS Cybersecurity Requirements | NIST
Cybersecurity Framework | NIST
The Car Hacker’s Handbook
Center for Automotive Embedded Systems Security
Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek Car Hacking Information
Automotive Service Tools for Reprogramming and Diagnostics
Vehicle Cybersecurity | NHTSA
Truck Hacking: An Experimental Analysis of the SAE J1939 Standard | USENIX
ICS-CERT Warns of CAN Bus Vulnerability | SecurityWeek.Com
Counterfeit products can, and often do, come with software containing viruses and malware that can be harmful to your systems and networks. To avoid purchasing a counterfeit product, be sure to purchase your Vehicle Diagnostic Adapters (VDAs) from authorized manufacturers and distributors!